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How To Study For Exams In less TimeToday, I will tell you 3 ways with the help of which you can complete your study in time. If you do not use these 3 methods then you will not get a good result, so follow this 3 method well.

Once a person went to play golf with their kids. As soon as he hit the ball, the ball fell into the water and fell. They hit, again and again, they went into the water. This happened with them the next 5-6 times. He called his master and said that this is a very difficult game. I will take a lot of years to play this game well.

The master laughed at them and said that you are only a little too far to learn this game. Those people were shocked to hear this. What are you saying this, this ball is going away every time and it is falling into the water. And you are saying that only a little distance away

Upon hearing this, his master explained, "Look, when you hit a millimeter in the other direction, the ball will fall in the ground. And if you hit that ball 2 millimeters in the other direction, then the ball will fall under the Straight hole. And gradually you will become a good player."

That is only 2 Millimeters between your Present Level and Success.

Thinking that this person thought, how wonderful it Believe System is. And if all the people think that in this way, then how many people who leave their goal can escape it. And this is true in the other case in real life.

Why did we discuss this story?

We discussed this story because We Know about How To Study For Exams In less Time and we saw many videos, only in the hope that we find a simple way that we are always motivated. Or everything is easy to understand. Or we can complete all Syllabus work in time.

But let me tell you that there is no such way in existence.

The difference between small losses and methods is the difference between our defeat and success. Many times we understand these methods so simple that we are not using these methods as well. And we are looking for new ways.

How To Study For Exams In less Time

How To Study For Exams In less Time
How To Study For Exams In less Time

So in today's article, we will discuss those small changes. Which we can use to make our study Good and Quality and Learn About "How To Study For Exams In less Time".

Prepare your day in 5 minutes

As long as we keep all of our assignments, all Tasks, all goals, in our mind and we will not relax until we deal with them. That's why we got up in the morning and write just about 5 minutes to write all your work in one place.

According to the research, if we do not deal with our Thought, then Thought keeps disturbing us. That is why when we write some paper on paper, our brain becomes very relaxed. Also, we can set our work priority too. Which of the topics do we read about?

And then we start with the same article which is the Highest Priority. Because this Sequence can only make us fail or Successful.

Declare War on Procrastination

To Learn About How To Study For Exams In less Time? Make sure that you do not want to do this work now. And I'll definitely do the complete We have accepted this, but how will we do it? We have 4 ways for this.

1. Keep work On Progress Journal

Remember that time when you did not accomplish important work. Your brain must have given you a message that I do not have anything to do to complete this. But I can do this work tomorrow because tomorrow I will have all the stuff to complete this work.

But importantly they never accept it from themselves. We are running away from that work. Because it's boring. And we are very slow

It is a very cool way of removing this thing and it is that before we sleep we wrote those things according to priority which we want to do the next day. It will take us only 1 minute. And after some time it will turn into a habit. And by doing so we can also note our progress.

According to the research, when we write something, then the chances of completing it become very high.

2. You Need To Become Machine

You must have also noticed that when we have work power then we run away from that work. Imagine that you are very tired, very hungry, so can you focus on reading a subject. The answer is "no" And if you read him forcefully, you will not even remember anything.

We must understand ourselves as a machine and it should always keep giving good fuel. According to the research, when we are in power, then our will is "0". And we definitely leave things

To keep yourself strong, we can do 3 things.

  • Never Miss Meal
  • Hydrate Yourself
  • Eat food for POWER, not for SATISFACTION.

3. Make An Event Out Of Boring Task

We find many things very boring that even if the Thought of that work comes in the brain, we still feel like it. For someone, that scary work can be completed by completing the chapter of mathematics.

If any work seems to be very boring, then this difficulty can also be handled. Let's make her a big event.

How To Study For Exams In less Time

Suppose that you do not like to read a subject, we can smell the library to read it, which is far away from our home, so that if we reach it then we can not go home early. When we go to a new place which is far away from our house, then we have no choice other than reading that subject. 

We find many things very boring that even if the Thought of that work comes in the brain, we still feel like it. For someone, that scary work can be completed by completing the chapter of mathematics.

If any work seems to be very boring, then this difficulty can also be handled. Let's make her a big event.

Suppose that you do not like to read a subject, we can smell the library to read it, which is far away from our home, so that if we reach it then we can not go home early. When we go to a new place which is far away from our house, then we have no choice other than reading that subject. nd when we start reading it, all our fears are over.

Select your hard days

There are days when there is no time we have in Studio Life. And we have to do some sort of work that makes us boring, And who we do not want to do at all. In this scenario, we have 2 options.

1. Runaway from things until they need it. And we had to undergo such a day.

2. We already liked that we want to do so hard workday Suppose we like Saturday, then we will work every day just by strapping our cell phones every Saturday. That day we will not talk to our friends.

3. This method gives us answers to 3 important questions. How long did we read? Read that? When to Read? to Learn about How To Study For Exams In less Time? Read Below

When should we study?

The best time to read is the morning. At that time we wake up while sleeping and are completely refreshed. And at the same time does not even disturb us. So do our work before our dinner even before dinner. If we get break time in the morning, then we should use that too.

There is not such a good study at night time. If you live in a hostel, it is very difficult to study at this time. Because all friends were awake at that time If you like reading at night and getting a good result then you can keep it Continue too.

Where should we study?

Next question comes That Which place to read? Best way to read as much as I am in my research. We should go to a place where we do not disturb. For example, students Reading at the library where they work.

How long should we study?

We should take a break after every 1 hour. We should take 15-20 minutes to break after 1 hour. This makes the mind fresh. In that break time, we can exercise, do anything, just go a little bit away from the study.

How To Study For Exams In less Time

Read Our Other Articles:

So we did not have a big difference between success and failure, just 4-5 minutes, which makes us successful. I Hope You Like This How To Study For Exams In less Time. And I Hope You will Understand All The Great and Valuable Knowledge. 

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