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Diamond Quotes: These Are some Wonderful Diamond Quotes. I hope you like it. 

Diamond Quotes

Diamond Quotes
Diamond Quotes

Diamond Quotes

"We should praise the diamond that survives thousands of blows."
When a fake person is tested, his evil is revealed. - Kabir "
"The bird sitting on the tree branch never waits to move because the bird trusts its wings, not the branch."
"Our highest glory is not in never falling, but in falling down every time." 
"I listened and I forgot. I looked and I remembered. I did it and I got it." 
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." 
"When it is clear that you cannot achieve the goals, do not adjust the goals, adjust the tips of action." 
"When anger increases, think about the consequences." 
"Get knowledge by assuming that you will never master it; Hold it as if you are afraid of losing it." 
"If you respect yourself, others will respect you." 
"Willingness to win, desire to succeed, motivation to reach their full potential… these are the keys to opening the doors to personal excellence." 
"If you do not stop, then it does not matter how slowly you move." 
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." 
"Choose a job that you love, then you will not have to work even one day in your life." 
"We can receive knowledge in three ways: first through contemplation, which is excellent; The second by imitation, which is easiest; And the third is through experience, which is the most bitter." 
"Silence is a true friend who never cheats." 
"It is easy to hate and hard to love. The whole scheme of things works like this. All good things are difficult to achieve, And bad things get done very easily."
"In a well-governed country, one has to be ashamed of poverty. In a badly governed country, the property has to be ashamed." 
"I am walking with two other men, so each of them will serve as my teacher. I will choose the good things from one and imitate them, and I will choose the bad things of the other and correct them in myself." 
"If you think for a year, then sow the seeds of a crop; If you think for ten years, plant trees; If you think for 100 years, then teach people." 
"If you want to create an excellent future, then study the past." 
"The more a person meditates on good thoughts, the better his world will be, and the wider his world will be." 
"Expectations of life depend on diligence; For a mechanic to do his job, it is necessary to first sharpen his equipment." 
"Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues." 
"Alert rarely makes mistakes." 
"A diamond with nooks is better than a pebble without a hitch." 
"Knowing what you know and what you don't know is true knowledge."
"You cannot open a book without learning anything." 
"A repressive government is more fearful than a tiger." 
"The nation gets strength only from the unity of the house." 
"Only the intelligence and stupidity of people never change." 
"Only a sense of respect separates man from animals." 
"In all circumstances, the practice of the five things constitutes true virtue; These five things are gravity, generosity of spirit, goodness, seriousness, and kindness." 
"Death and life have their own set of plans; Property and honor depend on God." 
"Old age, I believe, is a good and pleasant thing. It is true that slowly things get out of your hands, but still, as a viewer, you are given a comfortable advance." 
"The superior is distressed by the limits of his ability; He is not disturbed by the fact that people do not recognize his potential." 

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