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Quotes about Truth | Truth Quotes: Today I Am Showing You Most Amazing, Meaningful and Great "Quotes About Truth". so, Read All The Quotes And Share With Your Friends.

Quotes about Truth | Truth Quotes

Quotes about Truth | Truth Quotes
Quotes About Truth | Truth Quotes

Quotes about Truth | Truth Quotes

The Truth is like the sun. You can put a curtain for him for a while but he will not go anywhere.

The bad fact is said to be a Truth that you can think of as many lies as you can.- William Blake

When I tell the truth, it does not have to explain them to those who do not know it, rather it is to take their side who knows it.- William Blake

The truth is that those with no power should not believe in them.-James Madison

There is no selfishness behind every friendship. There is no friendship which is not selfish. This is the bitter Truth.-Chanakya

The earth is supported by the power of Truth; It is the power of Truth that gives the sun to shine and velocity of the air; Actually, all things depend on truth.-Chanakya

The opposite of contradiction is not a symbol of lies nor is it not true that the truth is not true.-Blaise Pascal

The truth is that which works.-William James

The person who does not take the truth seriously in small things, big things can not be trusted.-Albert Einstein

Only two can make mistakes while walking on the path of truth. Do not set the full path and do not start it.-Gautam Buddha

As soon as we are angry in any dispute, we leave the path of truth and start trying for ourselves.-Gautam Buddha

The truth is unrealistic. Defects can attack this, ignorance can ridicule it, but the truth remains in the end.-Winston Churchill

If you speak the truth, then you do not need to remember anything.-Mark Twain

The person who does not take the truth seriously in small things, They cannot be believed in big things too.

The truth is unrealistic. Malice can attack by this, ignorance can ridicule it, but the truth remains in the end.

Any mistake cannot be true due to the argument - arguments and no truth cannot be a mistake because no one is watching it.-Mahatma Gandhi

Although you are in a minority the truth is true.-Mahatma Gandhi

Truth sometimes does not harm a cause which is justified.-Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes about Truth | Truth Quotes

My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. 

Three things can not hide for long, SUN, MOON and TRUTH.

Truth is not the property of a particular person, but it is a treasure of all individuals.

Anyone can make mistakes by going on the path of truth; 1. Do not set the whole and Right path, and 2. do not start it at all.

As soon as we become angry in any dispute, we leave the path of truth and start trying for ourselves.

If you speak the truth then you do not need to remember anything.

Truth is also standing without public support. He is self-sufficient.

An error cannot be true due to arguments and no truth cannot be an error because no one is Seeing it.

Although you are in a minority, the truth is the truth.

Truth sometimes does not harm a cause which is appropriate.

There is a huge difference in truth and fact. The facts can hide the truth.

The half-truth is often a big lie.

Just the mistakes that the government needs to support. Truth can stand by yourself.

I know where I am going, and I do not want to become what you want. I am free to become what I want.

The goal of education is propaganda of knowledge and truth.

The great enemy of the truth is most deliberately, imaginary, or dishonestly spoken but does not lie, but is a strong, inspirational, and unreal myth.

When the person speaks in front of himself, then he is the least real. Give him a mask, and he will speak the truth.

Truth is very rare and never so simple.

Strong faith is a dangerous enemy of truth in comparison to lies.

Sometimes a person can lie, but the person who becomes his face tells him the truth.

When you are happy, look deeply in your heart and you will find that whatever thing that made you sad, is giving you happiness.

Quotes about Truth | Truth Quotes

When you are unhappy, then squeeze in your heart, and you will see that for which you are actually It is your happiness that is crying.

Until yesterday, we used to follow the orders of the kings and bend the heads in front of emperors. But today we kneel in front of the truth, follow beauty, and obey only love.

Two people are required to speak the truth: one to speak, and another to hear.

I apologize for thinking that the most effective criticism of a person can not be found until you provoke it. The bitter truth is expressed with some bitterness.

The truth of the lawyer is not true, but there is a way of reconciliation or logical opportunism.

The truth is not for everyone, it is only for those who find it.

There is no power in what you are afraid of. Power is in that fear. In a real face, facing the truth will free you.

All the truth passes through three steps. 1, it is ridiculed. 2, it is violently opposed. 3, it is considered a self-evident form.

Do not believe every heard and heard There are always three aspects of a story. Yours, His and the Truth

The facts are many, but the truth is one.

Believe it that someone is telling the truth; Then it is very difficult when you know that in this situation you lie.

No matter how high the stature of a lie,It is small in comparison to the truth ...

No matter how fast they walk,All of their husbands are in the hands of God.

Quotes about Truth | Truth Quotes

Happy people also have their own character ...It feels good to be of your own mindAnd if the minds of others are too much ...

No one to get something in lifeWhy not do miraculous tricks,but…There is no trick to escape karma kill ...

Time changes from outside to you,And people inside you ...

The goal of education is spreading knowledge and truth - propagation.John F. Kennedy

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